Monday, February 13, 2012

Was Louis XIV an Absolute Monarch?

           Absolute monarch is when the ruler has absolute and complete power over state and government. He has power to pass laws without consent (permission). Louis XIV is a perfect example of an absolute monarch. He was born on the fifth of September 1638. He became king at the age of four in 1643 after the death of his father Louis XIII. At the age of 23, Louis XIV became his own chief minister and ruled personally until his death in 1715. Louis inherited the most powerful country in Europe and expanded his power throughout his life. He was known as the “Sun King” because of his magnificence of his court at Versailles. Louis XIV believed himself to be an absolute ruler. His authority was inherited and derived from God. This essay will show and prove how Louis XIV is an absolute monarch.

               The long reign of Louis XIV (1643-1715) marked him as an absolute monarch at its top and highest in France. Louis was the longest reigning king in European history, and he ruled for about 72 years. He was an example of absolutism throughout the second half of the 17th century. Louis believed that his power (authority) came from God and that no one should complain and question it. That was called the “divine right”. As an elected leader, Louis wouldn’t have ruled for so long.

         Louis had complete control over decision-making. He said, “I order you not to sign anything not even a passport without my command”. That shows that he has control over everything in Paris, even the small things. That also means that he is the only ruler and decision-maker. The decision-making power in France was under the monarch control, which is Louis.

      A very important reason that shows how Louis was an absolute monarch is that he did not share power. He said “L’etat c’est moi” in French, and that means, “ I am the state”. It also shows his only power. He creates new powers, and he ignores the originally noblemen. One of the people that were imprisoned was Nicolas Fouquet because he became rich and powerful. He ignored and imprisoned the noble men because he did not want to give anyone a chance to take or steal the power from him. He said, that he had no intension of sharing his authority (power). He just wanted to be the only ruler in France and he wanted to have all power and decisions.

             Louis also wanted to centralize his power. He centralized his power by creating bureaucracy. Bureaucracy means the organization of an instruction. Louis also created industry. Louis worked successfully to create an absolutist and centralize his state. By centralizing his power it was easy for him to control his monarchy. It was also easy for him to know everything that happens in the monarchy.

          Louis removed limits to legislative powers and that means that he was too harsh in his monarchy. That also means that he removed the estates general (Parliament). So Louis no longer takes their opinion or asks them to make laws, he is the only ruler. That means that he wants to rule alone France without government, nobles, or ranks. He just wanted to be the only ruler, wealthy man with all power, but that was so hard for people to live.

         Louis XIV wanted glorify to his monarchy, so he built wonderful arches and statues. He also created one of the largest palaces in Europe. As a king no much coasts for his glory. He had 40,000 people working in building his palace. That shows his complete control over people, authority, and ability of his power and wealth too. Louis wanted to make France center of culture and power.

      The wars also brought a lot of power, control, and land. Louis fought continental wars. He fought with the Dutch and broke the Dutch trade. By the Peace of Nijmegen (1678-79) he gained more territory in Flanders. It made Louis and his monarchy have more power and wealth (land). The stronger the monarchy is, the greater and powerful the leader is. 

                 The personality of Louis XIV was a very important thing that shows him as an absolute monarch. No project was too hard for him; he transported trees from other parts of France, because they did not grow in the area he wanted. He was selfish, and he wanted all attention to be on him (famous). He presents himself by art, and he can do anything he wants. His paintings represented him as a hero and a powerful man. He likes to display his power through parties, palaces, and he show off his women. 40 thousand people worked to build his palace. He was the gravity and mass of the palace. All that shows his power and wealth.

         In conclusion and as a result, Louis XIV is a very good example of an absolute monarch. He was a strong ruler with an absolute and complete power. He was the only ruler by not sharing his power. He was the only controller and decision maker and no one can do anything without his permission. He won many wars and he had a lot of wealth. He was able to do and built anything, he want. He built amazing palaces, still remembered till today. So all these evidences and explanations shows how Louis XIV was an absolute monarch. 

1 comment:

  1. 185/200 - Lovely introduction. You have excellent paragraph structure. To improve the grade you should think about the level of detail used in your evidence. For example, give the name or painter when talking about the paintings.

    T - detail in evidence.
